Good news! Nottingham lace is making a glorious resurgence and right at the forefront is one of Nottingham’s leading lights, creator of sumptuous knits, lace inspired jewellery and accessories, purveyor of gorgeous gifts and one of my personal heroes, Debbie Bryan.
Debbie’s shop in Nottingham’s Lace Market is a total treat for the soul, featuring alongside Debbie’s creations, the beautiful work of numerous local designer / makers, many of whom have been invited by Debbie to create Nottingham lace inspired pieces of artwork in their chosen medium.
As part of the Lace:here:now Craft Trail and Heritage Open Days, Debbie will be holding a ‘Pop Up Tea Room’ at her shop (18 St Mary’s Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham) on Saturday, 8 September 2012, from 10.00am until 5.00pm, with special guest, Kit Anderson from Foto Ceramica. Details of other events and workshops taking place at Debbie’s shop can be found on her website and the full schedule for the Lace:here:now season of events is detailed on the Nottingham Trent University website – here. I’m certainly going to jump onto the whole Nottingham Lace wave – it’s a delight to see this beautiful craft being celebrated once again!
~ Manton x